This is hair chalking:
In the sense of hair chalking, it is creating a truly temporary design
to your hair, by accenting different strands of hair in strong vibrant
Want to learn how to do this? Its quite simple really:
Step 1. Section out a panel that you wish to chalk and then dampen your hair using a spray water bottle, like so:
Step 2. Working
with the dampened hair section, hold it tight and rub the colored
pastel chalk downward going with the grain of the hair.
It is very important that you use this type of chalk! This is pastel chalk |
** Great idea would be to use a surface that is easy to clean or a long piece of paper, for easy clean up.
Step 3. Using the desired heat source for style (i.e. curling iron, flat iron). I recommend a curling iron. Use the preferred iron over the now colored strands to lock in the color and secure the desired style.
I guess we can't say this trend is super new at this point but I definitely want to know what you think!
My thoughts: This is fun! It's easy and really anyone can do it. As a
stylist it's something fun I would love to offer people at the salon.
In doing this, I haven't noticed anything that warrants damage to the
hair. The heat aspect made me slightly worried, but after working with
it, I think it's fine!
If you have super duper fine hair work on the lowest heat setting
possible and be very cautious with your hair. Other than that have fun
with it!
Should last no longer then 2-4 days.