Superglued Extensions: Industry Responds
News that a client was forced to shave her head following superglued extensions has sent shockwaves through the hairdressing industry.Alexis Stanton, 38, from Gateshead (pictured left) was left in agony with bald spots and a bloody scalp following the unsafe application of extensions and says she was left with no choice but to shave her head.

Northumbria Police and Gateshead Council’s trading standardsare now investigating the incident involving a mobile beautician, the Daily Mail reports.
Tammy Mallett, Great Lengths extension specialist at Lisa Shepherd Salons comments us why it’s so important to always go to a qualified extensionist.
“This story is truly terrifying! This poor woman suffered at the hands of somebody who obviously didn’t know what they are doing with such awful consequences.
Superglue is not a product that is intended for use with such close contact to human skin, especially not close to such sensitive areas as the human scalp. I really do feel for Alexis Stanton as [the extensions] were supposed to be a treat from her loved ones and it went horribly wrong. After all the good publicity hair extensions have been getting lately, I hoped horror stories like this were a thing of the past!
“You should always look to visit a trained professional as they can give the best advice on which route is best for you to take with extensions – if they are the best solution for you are looking to achieve – and then what style or bonding option you should go for.
“Whether you want to train in extensions or have them added to you own hair, do your research on the different companies that offer their services and read their reviews. If you have decided to visit a hairdresser who specialises in extensions then check what brand they use. Always opt for a reputable brand – this will help you to choose a good technician.”
Cindy Jennings: It’s not the client’s responsibility to know it’s not proper glue! She’s not the one who went to beauty school… You can’t be serious.
Pauline Harris: I have heard of this happening… I bet the hair was poor grade too. The problem is that anybody can firstly pass themselves off as a professional without any experience, training, qualification or Public Liability insurance and secondly, the tools and equipment required are easily available to all via either the internet or from shops that sell swatches of hair to the public.
Kym Lindsay: That’s not ok! An untrained stylist should not be doing treatment unless supervised for learning purposes.
Gwenn Smithh: It’s surprising how many salons have untrained stylists offering these services to people … All about money though.
Sharon Heffernan: Too many cowboys out there offering services they don’t have any knowledge about. I’m sick of correcting other bad hairdressers mistakes and upsetting people. When a woman’s hair is so important, something needs to be done to regulate these idiots.
Astia Asseh: Everyone knows superglue isn’t meant for our hair. I really don’t know what the stylist was thinking; either the stylist was ignorant, which I doubt, or his/her actions were intentional. But in the end this hair cut just revealed how beautiful the victim is with her hair shaved.
Pamela Peck-High: As an extension specialist I can say that the first step is a very extensive consultation. If the stylist cannot do that, huge red flag. I have had to turn down clients that were not good candidates for extensions. Yes, it is loss of money, but the integrity of your client’s hair should be number one priority. Unfortunately clients want what they want and will go and let someone that is untrained do the service because they want it so much. A lot of people have jumped on the extension bandwagon because they only want the money. I have spent a great deal of money for my training and it continues. Always new things to learn to offer to you clients.
Traci Myers Nies: Do your homework. Ask questions. Where were you certified? Maintenance? Application? Price? How many of their clients have this? If the price is much cheaper than the average, there might be a reason; like that person is unqualified. Ultimately, you get what you pay for. Thankfully, her hair will grow back.
Fern Hewish: Sadly gives us qualified and professional hairdressers a bad reputation.
Laura Graham: I am a stylist and recently went to an extension course. Half the group had no hairdressing experience and were doing the course to make extra money. Although your are shown the process, I feel you should have a background in hair – the theory was 20 mins on hair and consultation; again to a non-professional, this is no good! If I had no hairdressing experience, I would have no clue what contradictions to be looking for or how to judge the hair condition on a professional level.

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