Trivia timeline of popular hairstyles across history!

1940's: The Peekaboo
Movie star Veronica Lake popularized the style featuring long, wavy hair, covering one eye.

1950's: The Beehive
Also known as the B-52 for its similarity to the bomber of the same name, the Beehive was created just a few miles away in Elmhurst! Modern wearers of the style include Marge Simpson & Amy Winehouse. 

1950's: The Pompadour
The Pompadour originated in the 50's among rockabilly singers and actors, and perhaps made most famous by Elvis. Today, the style is worn by subcultures within Italians and Mexicans, as well as members of the Japanese yakuza. 
1960's: The Flip
Mary Tyler Moore and Jackie Kennedy were two famous Flippers. The style became known so popular in beauty pageants that it becam
1960's: The Pixie
The first time supermodel Twiggy wore the Pixie style, it took eight hours to perfect the style on her. e known as "Miss America Hair". 
1960's: The Afro
The Afro became a powerful political symbol during the Civil Rights movement of the 60's, during which time African-Americans began wearing natural hairstyles as opposed to braiding and straightening. In the 70's, curly-haired people not of African descent, such as Art Garfunkel and Gene Shalit, started wearing the hairstyle. 
1960's: The Moptop
The hairstyle, named "Arthur" by George Harrison, became so popular that toy manufacturers made Beatle wigs. Lowell Toy Manufacturing Corp. of New York was the only licensed manufacturer of authentic Beatle wigs, which are now very valuable. 
1970's: The Farrah Do
You can't think of Farrah Fawcett without thinking of her winged hair. Lore has it that her curls in this famous poster spell "SEX." Can you find it? 
1980's: Hair Bands
Poison, Motley Crue, and Bon Jovi were among the many bands of the 80's that popularized long, voluminous, teased, and permed hair. 
1980's: The Jheri Curl
Named after Jheri Redding, the Jheri Curl became popular because it was easier and less expensive than relaxers. Michael Jackson wore a Jheri Curl in the 1980's. 
1980's: The Mullet
"Business in the front, party on the back." Also known as "hockey hair," the term mullet was actually coined by the Beastie Boys in the 1994 song "mullet head".
1980's: The Rat-Tail
I think more classmates of mine had rattails than not in 1988. Fortunately, the style died out for the most part, although you can still see it on several manga characters and characters in Dog the Bounty Hunter. 
1980's: The Mohawk
Named after the Native American nation, they are currently associated with the punk subculture. It comes in several varieties including the bi-hawk, tri-hawk, deathhawk, and frohawk.

1980's: The Perm
Apparently after When Harry Met Sally, women everywhere asked for Meg Ryan's spiral perm. Home perms, including Toni and Ogilvie, became very popular in the 198
1990's: The Rachel
Jennifer Aniston's style was *the* style of the 1990's. It was the most requested hairstyle of the decade.
2000's: The Fauxhawk
For those nor willing to shave their heads, the Fauxhawk has emerged as the alternative to a Mohawk.
Bonus: The Comb Over
We don't know when the comb over invented. We just think they are amazing.
Hair News Network
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